If you are in a crisis, call:


211 (Connecticut's Mobile Crisis Unit)

Kids in Crisis: 203-661-1911

National Suicide Prevention: 1-800-273-8255

Crisis Text Line: Text TALK to 741741

Below are the links to the resources
shared by the panelists at the
Ridgefield Forum on Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder
February 11th, 2022

Boys and Girls Club of Ridgefield:

Boys and Girls Club Web Page



Recovery Groups

Al-Anon Newcomers (Teen Corner)

Alcoholics Anonymous

Mental Health Resources

Mental Health Resources from the Ridgefield Social Services Department

Healthy Lives CT

The Ridgefield Youth Service Bureau

Psychologist Locator

Western Connecticut Coalition

Resources for Families recommended by Lynn Tidgwell

Foote, J., Wilkins, C., Kosanke, N., &Higgs, S., (2014 ). Beyond Addiction: How science and kindness help people change. New York: Scribner 

CMC: Center for Motivation and Change 

Jay, D., (2014,2021 ). It Takes a family. Center City, Minnesota: Hazelden Publishing 

Love First: Get to the heart of recovery (lovefirst.net

AlAnon (al-anon.org

Weiss, R., (2018 ). Prodependence: Moving beyond co-dependency. Deerfield Beach, Florida: Health Communications, Inc. 

Thrive Family Recovery Resources